Free Event Listing

We provide a free event listing service, so submit your Sofia events here!

Please: Keep them local to Sofia, and events people would actually want to go to (sales offers / or sales events don’t usually count sorry)

Please supply as much info as possible.

Adding a description, a poster/image and full details for your event will make your event look much better and more attractive to people who may want to go.
To be listed accurate on Google map, provide us with the full address of the event venue: city/town, street, postcode area.

If your event is just general business news, we’d still love to feature it. Use this form.​

First Name*


Contact Number*


Event Name *

Event Location *
To be listed accurate on Google map, provide the full address with city/town, street, postcode area

Event Date & Time *

Event Cost *

If paid - Event Price

Event Description *

Website / URL

Poster / Pic attachment

(.pdf .jpg .png. or .jpeg file, max 8mb)

GDPR Agreement